The global supply chain and food sustainability challenges facing traditional farming leave us no choice but to innovate on farming solutions that offer governments, communities and farmers a variety of tools to reverse this trend.

The Zeste Farm’s™ team did just that in creating one specific tool.​

The Anaconda™ is Zeste Farms™ foundational step toward sustainable farming with a patented indoor vertical hydroponic farming system that can be constructed almost anywhere. ​

The complete concept brought together technologies and practices from Japan, Denmark, Canada and the United States​

The Anaconda™ is Zeste Farms proprietary configurable multilayer farming system. 

Employing continuous flow concepts, the Anaconda’s™ configurability enables a variety of lettuces, herbs, leafy greens, mushrooms, berries, as well as microgreens and nursery trays to be produced.​

The Anaconda™ farming system can produce over 40 times more in pounds per acre than traditional farming and like many controlled environment systems, we use 90% less water, no pesticides, and have no exposure to animal contaminants.  We have employed a proprietary fertigation system that serves a variety plants and uses 75% less fertilizer without dumping and polluting ground water. 

We plan to make even more improvements in the areas of conservation and sustainability with our next farm.​

The Anaconda™ is optimized for consumer sales of living product bringing the best of nutrition, freshness and flavor to consumers within the 200-mile radius of an operating farm.​

With climate change, water scarcity, and arable land scarcity  facing traditional farming and our global supply chain, Zeste Farms believes that in the years ahead, what can be grown indoors will be leaving outdoors to produce high energy crops, fruit trees and many vegetables.​